Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Initial Failure

Well, I put this blog up more than a year ago and then promptly forgot about it. Pretty typical for me actually. I am going to restart this effort and see if I can't keep it up for more than just one post. A ton of stuff has happened that I could have been blogging about, but totally forgot about this. FAILURE

Sometimes in life you fail. For those that are anything like me, failure is a frustrating disappointment. I start out to do whatever I do with the intention of "exceeding expectations." That's just how I do. Whenever that outcome is not reached I evaluate, and re-evaluate to see what I could have changed, what I did wrong, and how can I do it better the next time.

If you let it, failure can either help you or cripple you. My advice to whoever reads this is to let failure help you. Do all that you do with all of your might, if you fail...try again. (Good things only of course). Don't let failure or anyone else that would try to hold your failure(s) over you cripple your future. You may not be able to do a lot of things, but the one thing that you can always do is "better."

Time to try again!!


  1. I am excited to see where this blog takes you!

  2. I'm glad you decided to keep a blog. So many times we want to share with others and that's fine, but I find even when posting the few things I do, I really take the time to understand how I feel about something before I share it. I ponder and try to analyze the WHY behind what I feel or think. In the end it can be very therapeutic. Keep up with it. :-)
