For anyone that reads this blog, I'm sure you are wondering "who is Ian?" Well...Ian is one of my nephews. He is one of my brother and his wonderful wife's sons. I won't spend a lot of time on what he is like, except to say that he is 3 at the time of this posting.
Today Ian's mother posted something on her blog, The T.I.E.S That Bind, today that gave whole new meaning (at least to me) of "out of the mouth of babes". For those that don't click on the link, Ian asked his mom to play a specific song on the way to drop his older brother off at school. The song was Sovereign God by Maurette Brown Clark. The song ended up encouraging the mom, the mom posted on her blog, I get emails of her blog posts so once I read it, I shared it with some loved ones, one of which posted parts of the song on FB as their status. Someone that I know was having a rough day, "liked" the post.
So from the desire of a 3 year old to hear a song, the effect radiated out to an unknown number of individuals to help make their day better. If that isn't powerful, I don't know what is!
Thanks Ian and thanks Ian's mom!! You've positively effected the lives of numbers of people.
Wow! That's all I can say! Tears in my eyes...Wow!